Teacher Resources
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary's motto is Conservation through Education and we have many resources to help teachers in the Quad-cities area teach this message.
Fundraising Assistance
If you are trying to raise money for a Sanctuary program or tour, we can help. With over 1500 supporters, we can ask them to donate their tax credit money to your program. We also have successfully raised money for programs through pennie wars. If you would like more info on how HPZS can help your raise money for a Sanctuary program, please call the Education Department at (928) 778-4242 ext 18.
AZGFD Bone Box
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary is the keeper of the Arizona Game and Fish "Bone Box." This box is full of pelts and skulls of Arizona native species and includes lesson plans and teacher resources. The Bone Box is free to borrow. Please contact the Education Department at (928) 778-4242 ext 18 for more information.
Custom Programming
Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary can customize an animal program to meet your class's needs. Along with science based programming, animals have proven to be wonderful therapy for special needs classes, help children who are struggling with reading and also can teach valuable lessons about bullying or being different. Please contact the Education Department at (928) 778-4242 ext 18 for more information.